Hello Tennis Friends!
I will continue to post to remind you about doing your Pre-Commitment for the Alabama Tennis Foundation Specialty License Tag. I was really excited to learn a few weeks ago that our tag was the most requested for pre-commitments of all the specialty tags available, so my thanks to all of you in Baldwin County and keep it up! This is going to best be accomplished by friends urging friends to make this happen so I am counting on all of you.
All you have to do is to go to your local DMV and tell them you want to fill out a Pre-Commitment form for the Alabama Tennis Foundation Specialty License Tag. You do not have to wait until your renewal time! In fact, the sooner you do this the better because as soon as we get 250 commitments the license plate can be made. The cost to you is $50, $41 of which is tax deductible. (Don't forget to keep the copy of your paperwork. This is what you will use to pick up your plate once they are available). With the minimum of 250 plates, $10,000 a year will go to the Alabama Tennis Foundation and communities all over the state will benefit from this fund.
If you have any questions all the information you need is on
www.alabamata.com. There are over 14,000 USTA members in Alabama. But remember that if all of those people think someone else will step up and do this it will never happen
Many thanks to those of you that have already done this and those that are going to do this!!