Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The Fall captain's meeting will be Tuesday night, September 22nd at the Court House Racquet Club at 6:30 p.m.
It's been awhile since I've blogged. I haven't heard from any of the mixed teams that participated in Dothan. You can check them out in TennisLink. The next USTA State Championships are the Senior and Super Senior Combo Doubles in Gulf Shores October 22 - 25th. I won't be there but if anyone goes and takes any pictures, I'd love to post them.
Back to the league - the Fall League starts Sunday, September 27th. We will be playing week nights and weekends. Play will end December 13th.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


There are a few rules changes for 2010. I'll post all of them tonight but wanted to get the word out on one of them.
You can now have 16 players on your roster.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Registration for the 2010 Fall League is now open. Team deadline is September 16, 2009. Play will begin September 27th. For more information - contact me @ or 256-766-6588.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The USTA League wants to extend it's heart-felt sympthy to the family of Ed Bordan. He died while on a cruise with his wife, Susan Borden. He was also the father-in-law of Mary Beth Borden. Both Susan and Mary Beth are active players in our league. His funeral was yesterday. Keep Susan and Mary Beth in your thoughts and prayers.


Congratulations to our Tri-Level Winners!
Ladies 2.5 - 3.0 - 3.5
Love Bugs - Angela Kelley, Cecelia Gautney, Hanna Leblanc, Jessica Workman, Karen Waters, Lori Tiede, Marlann Nelson, Sheila Holland, Captain Sonya Fowler, Stacy Mason and Tonya Shelton
Ladies 3.0 - 3.5 - 4.0
Three Times The Fun! - Becky Hughes, Cynthia Fennel, Debbie Kennedy, Marsha Rogers, melinda Austin, Melissa Young, Captain Melissa Irvin, Missy Logan, Sandy Holcombe, Sherrie Scott and Tamela Traglia
Men's 3.5 - 4.0 - 4.5
Shoals Tri-Fecta - Chase Kilpatrick, David Lawhead, Hilliard Powers, Joey Meares, Landon Flynn, Lee Flynn, Captain Paul Irvin, Spencer Wooten, Tildon Drake, Todd Meckes, Vincent Cayouette, and Ryan Byrd

Monday, August 3, 2009


The Birmingham News has pictures of a couple of our girls.....

Sunday, August 2, 2009



Kimberly White, Lon Brown, Pamela Sue Keller
Josephine Kilham, Barbara Collins, Marcia Carroll
Jeanne Crawford, Joy Grover

The following photos are shots from the last two days. Be sure to congrat these girls when you see them. They made the Shoals Area proud.
Only Kimberly would drag (steal) this cutout from the pro shop

And only Pamela Sue would kiss cardboard!!!!!

The cutie on the right is Trey Love from South Carolina. He was the "official photographer". They really were discussing photography

Your Local League Coordinator letting Phil Meador know her displeasure with some of the computer ratings. At this point I was actually saying "Todd Meckes and Berry Stalcup are both 3.5's. Yeah, right!"

Lon & Joy after beating Kentucky

Kim putting on her "rally" cap during rainout.

Waiting for the rain to quit - the first time

Kim crying "I don't want to play in the rain!"

Our Arkansas friends......

Same Arkansas friends

Judy and Marilyn wearing the colors. Judy took one for the team by putting an Alabama tatoo on her chest - this will NEVER happen again! WAR EAGLE!

Pamela in the finals against Tennessee


Kim & Pam

Jeanne & Marcia on changeover during the finals against Tennessee



Marcia hitting a winning lob! It was great - back right corner on the line.

Jane Chasen and Vansantha Palakshappa drove down for the finals!


Joy & Lon after the first rain delay


Joy & Lon

During the second rain delay - Edra Westmoreland in the white top and green shorts. She also drove down for the finals!

Vansantha showing off her tatoo! Yes, it was still raining....

They had to move the remainder of the finals to Mt. Brook YMCA. It was pouring at Highland Park but 2.3 miles down the road, it hadn't even rained! Welcome to the south. Kim & Pam had one the first set 7-6 and moved during the second set and was up 3-2.

Lon & Joy had won the first set 6-4 and was 3-3 when they moved to Mt. Brook
Pam & Kim aftering winning the second set 7-5 to win the match!!

The following pictures are all being congratulated and awards being handed out.

Marcia, Vansantha, Lon, Jeanne, Kim
Marcia, Lon, Jeanne, Kim & Marilyn

Kim & Pam being interviewed for the Birmingham News

Dennis came to cheer on Joy - and Lon

Jane & Marilyn
Marcia calling Faye Flippo telling her the good news!

Our Southern Section Adult League Coordinator Holly Goddard congratulating Lon Brown while Pamela Sue looks on

Lon handing out the awards - Jeanne Crawford

Joy Grover

Lon's partner, Joy Grover
Barbara Collins

Pamela Sue Keller

Kimberly White

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Shoals 3.0 Senior Ladies are in the finals of the Southern Sectionals! They play Tennessee at 9:30 Sunday. I'll post the results and final pictures Sunday evening. It's been a great tournament and they are going into the finals with a 4-0 record. More on Sunday. Good Luck Shoals!

Friday, July 31, 2009


Even with the rainouts, they made the player's party. Here's a few pics.........

Kimberly White, Pamela Keller, Marcia Carroll, Jeanne Crawford, Lon Brown, Phiney Kilham, Joy Grover, Barbara Collins
Lon leading the "Shoals Dancers"
Lon showing us how to dance!
Joy & Barbara
Kenneth & Ellie Blacklidge
Kenneth is on the Parks & Recreation Board and is also the Legion Field Stadium Manager. He was instrumental in bringing the Sectionals to Birmingham - Thank you Kenneth!
"Mort the Mystifying" showing magic to Kim & Pamela
No, she's not praying - she's 'helping' Mort
Phiney trying to figure out Mort the Mystifying
Oh My!
How Sweet...........
Kimberly, Pamela & Mort
No, they're not drinking - they always act like this!
Calling it a night - waiting on the valet..