Friday, July 31, 2009


Even with the rainouts, they made the player's party. Here's a few pics.........

Kimberly White, Pamela Keller, Marcia Carroll, Jeanne Crawford, Lon Brown, Phiney Kilham, Joy Grover, Barbara Collins
Lon leading the "Shoals Dancers"
Lon showing us how to dance!
Joy & Barbara
Kenneth & Ellie Blacklidge
Kenneth is on the Parks & Recreation Board and is also the Legion Field Stadium Manager. He was instrumental in bringing the Sectionals to Birmingham - Thank you Kenneth!
"Mort the Mystifying" showing magic to Kim & Pamela
No, she's not praying - she's 'helping' Mort
Phiney trying to figure out Mort the Mystifying
Oh My!
How Sweet...........
Kimberly, Pamela & Mort
No, they're not drinking - they always act like this!
Calling it a night - waiting on the valet..