Thursday, June 18, 2009


Well, the 3.5 and 4.0 men and women got started today. There was some really good tennis. Check out tennislink to keep up with the individual scores. By the time I get back to the hotel, I can hardly remember anything. I'll tell you what I do remember....Marilyn Manset & Sandra Carpenter played from 8:00 a.m. to 11:05 a.m. They won in a 11-9 tiebreak! Congratulations....I remember that the Powershots were playing and they split 2-2 and it was up to Devon Hester to win the team match and SHE DID! I also found out that Devon wants to know when the match is resting on her shoulders so she'll "dig deep". Jaime Weaver was playing and lost her shoe and kept playing and won the point! It was a sight to be seen. She also fell and broke her finger! The 4.0 women led by Shannon Clemmons won their match this morning but left before I could get any pictures or details. John Bedford's 3.5 team won this afternoon too. Can't remember if it was 5-0 or 4-1 but it was a solid win. Our aid station stayed busy all day. Several IV's were given and one lady from Birmingham was taken to the hospital. The weather was extremely hot with the high of 99 and heat index well over 110.
Check out the pictures below. The pictures that I take on the court are "zoomed" and that's why they aren't as clear as I'd like them to be. Hey, you work with what you have!!! More tomorrow....